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Every Baby is Different

My little Diego was two months old yesterday. We are just now moving past the bad colicky days, and we are getting some coos from him from time to time. He is still yet to smile though. His little eyes are always glued on his big brother, and he loves mommy’s milk. He will not even take his formula unless it is half and half with my milk. Speaking of formula, using the Gerber soothe 2 or 3 times a day with my milk has helped keep his colic under control and it helps him stay full since I am not able to produce as much milk as I did with my first son. In saying all of that, I feel like I am finally getting the hang of things!

I will be honest, when you have a second baby, it is easy to compare your first one to your second, but I know that is not fair. My oldest son JJ was so happy and content anywhere and with anyone. Also he would sleep 5 hours at a time at night from the time he two weeks old, and he is still a great sleeper. On the other hand, sweet little Diego cannot be put down for very long without crying, and he is not very content. I think his problem with colic plays a big role in his grumpy little tude. I am glad that he is getting better at sleeping at night though, but for a while, Diego was wanting to be awake from 3:00am-6:00am. It takes a while for babies to work out their little routines.

Even though they are so different, I love them both the same. I know that Diego will soon grow into a personality. I know I do not feel like smiling when my stomach hurts so I know that once all of his tummy troubles pass, he will be able to show us some beautiful smiles. I am just looking forward to seeing him be more cheerful. For now, I know that I am doing the best I can, and he is showing improvement every day.

Also, I want to mention that as a mom, I thought I knew everything about the baby stage, but now I realize that every baby has different needs. With a toddler and a 2 months old, I am learning new things on a daily basis, and even though some things help my baby, they may not be what your child needs. I do want to use this blog to share my experiences, but I never want to be pushy or sound like a know it all, BUT if sharing my experiences can help even just one person, it is totally worth it to me!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog. I really wanted to try to make my blog more consistent, but I’m bad about getting inspired on a whim, so 2022 may be more about following my heart instead of trying to schedule everything. So stay tuned for more content coming soon, and if you would like updates more often, you can follow my Facebook page here. Also join me on my podcast journey here! Thank you for the support!

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