baby Blog Love Motherhood Stay at Home Mom Story Toddler

Every Baby is Different

My little Diego was two months old yesterday. We are just now moving past the bad colicky days, and we are getting some coos from him from time to time. He is still yet to smile though. His little eyes are always glued on his big brother, and he loves mommy’s milk. He will not […]

Anxiety Blog Family Inspirational Motherhood Stay at Home Mom

Deep Thoughts of a Stay at Home Mom

Guilt fills me today. False guilt? Maybe, but guilt nonetheless. Let me give you a backstory.. Well today I went for a maintenance check for my car, and I only had $100 on me. I thought it was just an oil change and a tire rotation. On the phone, I was told that it would […]

Blog emotions Family Inspirational Love Motherhood Stay at Home Mom

Five Things Stay at Home Moms Need to Remember

Hey there! Today I want to shed some light on being a stay at home mom. Being a stay at home sounds so easy right? Getting to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Just kidding! As a former stay at home mom, I can testify that being at home all day everyday with your […]

baby emotions Love Motherhood New mom Stay at Home Mom

Learn To Love The Long Nights

Have you ever had one of those nights where you literally wonder if you even got two hours of sleep the entire night? That’s been me the past few nights. Then we had appointments and errands during the day where my baby gets to sleep in his car seat while I’m trying not to look […]