Blog writing Health Humor Inspirational Motherhood New Year positivity Resolutions

My 2022 Goals and Action Plans!

My resolutions for 2022, and my action plans to keep them! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hello readers! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. This year was honestly one of the best Christmases that I have had in a long time, but now that Christmas has come to an end, I have been thinking about the new year! I have always loved making resolutions for New Years. My cousin and I used to have sleep overs every year to make a resolution list when I was younger. Whether I took my resolutions seriously or not, it was always fun just to have a few.

I have set several goals for myself to achieve during 2022. These goals are very achievable and flexible due to me having two small children and limited time. I also have an action plan with each of my goals as well to make them easier to accomplish! I am hoping that sharing these goals with you guys can inspire you all to set goals for yourselves as well! So without further ado, here are my resolutions for 2022!

Be More Active

This coming year, I want to be more active in my everyday life, and not in the housework and mundane grocery trip kind of way. I want to go hiking with my boys, go for evening runs, take my family to botanical gardens to walk, and I want to ride my bike (my Christmas gift from my husband). I also want to dance around the house with my boys and enjoy myself! This past year was challenging for me because I was pregnant all of Spring, Summer, and most of Fall. I did A LOT of walking, some swimming, and I worked for some of my pregnancy, but I was having right much back pain while doing these things. I am looking forward to building my strength back up.

Eat Better and Ditch the Soda!

I like snack cakes and Dr. Pepper. Especially the Dr. Pepper. I have a problem. My goal for myself is to get back on track with my meal planning and stop buying soft drinks when I grocery shop. My husband and I both want to get healthier this year, but as the wife that does all of the grocery shopping, it is kinda on me because I choose what we eat for the most part. I need to look up recipes with more vegetables and less carbs.

Put More Time into My Blog and Podcast

Blogging and Podcasting are definitely things that I am passionate about doing! I have loved the idea of sharing my thoughts and inspiring others. I want to carve out more of my time to work on these things. I say I do not have time, but I have time for scrolling through social media and playing games on my phone! I need to use that time to do things that really matter!

I also want to reach 100,000 views on my blog this year, and I want to grow my Podcast following as well. If you would like to check out the podcast click here.

Journal Daily

I have kept a journal on and off since I was 9, and I love doing it. Although I would love to burn all of the journals that I wrote in before meeting my husband, I still have fun looking back at all of the memories that I have documented throughout the years. Right now, I know that I am living in the most precious years of my life, and I know that I will forget some of the little details. So I want to write a little something in my journal every day to look back on and smile about later in life.

Get Better at Speaking Spanish

I have been learning Spanish for almost 5 years now, and I can say that Iโ€™m probably about 70% bilingual. I am in a biracial relationship, and we have two beautiful Mexican-American babies. Also, my mother-in-law only speaks Spanish. In saying all of this, my motivation for learning more Spanish is not only for myself. I want my children to be bilingual, and I want to be able to fully communicate with my mother-in-law. For the most part, I can carry on a conversation in Spanish, but I have moments when I interpret something wrong or I stutter to get out what I am trying to say. I want to basically become more confident in speaking the language.

Not to Get Pregnant This Year

I know that this is a sensitive subject for some people, but I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding since September 2018. Even though I will probably be breastfeeding for the majority of this year, I want to just focus on the children that I have right now and enjoy them. Also before anyone says anything, yes I do know what causes pregnancy. ๐Ÿ˜‚ This goal is just something in the back of my mind so itโ€™s not really my most important goal. Haha. If it happens, it happens.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! Please stay tuned in 2022 for more content coming your way! Also, leave me a comment and let me know what your goals are for 2022! Happy New Year everyone!

If you would like to listen to my podcast on this subject click here!

8 replies on “My 2022 Goals and Action Plans!”

Yes girl! I absolutely love my babies, but I donโ€™t think I can handle another one right now! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Do you have any New Year goals? ๐Ÿ˜Š

Liked by 1 person

Wishing you success on your journey through 2022. I always enjoy the newness of a new year and new goals to get started on. I hope the you are able to get your plans in place and get right to it. I am currently in the process of formulating my goals for this year and putting my plan in place.


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