baby Blog emotions Family Inspirational Love Motherhood Toddler

How I Helped My Toddler Adjust to the New Baby

Hello readers! It has been several months since I have posted a blog on this website. Between starting my podcast and having a new baby (sweet baby Diego), life has been super crazy! Speaking of the new baby, it has been a big transition for our little family! We have gone from a family of 3 to a family of 4!

For all of you who have been along for my blogging journey, you may know that I have a super sweet and spunky 2 and a half old boy named JJ. He has loved being a big brother, but it definitely has been a challenge. We have had to teach him how to leave the baby alone while he sleeps, to wash his hands if he wants to hold him, and to always ask mommy or daddy when he wants to hold him, and the list goes on and on. Today I want to tell you guys how I have been helping JJ adjust to being a big brother!

To listen to my podcast on this topic click here.

I let him hold his brother.

As a mother to a toddler, this may sound straight up terrifying, but this has been a great bonding technique for us and the boys. There are rules though! JJ has to ask first, and when he is done holding him, he has to let us know so we can help him. He loves being able to see and talk to his little brother in this way.

I spend time doing things with him when the baby is asleep.

In the first few weeks of a baby’s life, all they do is sleep during the day for the most part. This works in my advantage to get housework done and catch a breather, but it also helps me to be able to spend time with my toddler as well. We like to play cars, dance and color together! I try to really utilize that time to give my son the attention that I know he needs.

I show my child as much enthusiasm as possible.

Lately, we have had some rough days, and it has been really hard to keep my spirits high. Between sickness and postpartum, I just wanted to crawl into a hole last week, but as a mommy, that is not an option that I have! I have to remember that my sons need the best of me. I need to smile and give them encouragement and enthusiasm (as hard as it may be to do so at times). They need me to stay strong and be happy. 💙

I have to remember that he is going through a big transition too.

I am honestly not sure if the terrible twos show worse on some days than others or if it is the jealousy showing, but my son has really been acting out in a way that I have never seen before. I feel like I do my best to show my love and affection evenly to both of my children, but it is still a transition. He has had 100% of my attention for 2 and a half years, and now he is sharing me. It is something that I will continue to help him through and I will pray for his little heart to understand. My heart has infinite love for my two babies. I hope that they always feel and know that.

He is my big helper!

My 2 year old is such a big helper (when he wants to be)! He loves to get me water bottles, blankets, diapers/wipes, etc. There are even times when he brings me things without me even asking. He has such a giving heart. Granted, there are days when he does not want to listen, but that is okay too. I just want him to feel involved in every way possible.

Thank you guys for reading. If you have been in my shoes, feel free to give me advice or share your stories! I hope you will stay tuned for more blogs coming soon, and please check out my podcast (Mama Katie Speaks Podcast) here for more updates on our little family!

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