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I Will Not Live in Fear

Anxiety and fear… For some of us these words have been exactly what we have been feeling for the past year and a half, and just when we think things are looking better, things take a turn for the worst. I do not even have to explain what I am referring to because if you spend longer than 5 minutes on Facebook or watching the news, BOOM! It is in your face; spikes in COVID cases, vaccine pushing, “socialistic” behavior, clash of opinions, and much more! I completely stopped scrolling on my Facebook newsfeed after a minute or two this morning and put my phone to the side for several hours! It was so discouraging and disgusting.

With saying this, I dug into my Bible and found one of my favorite verses that is perfect for the whole world at this time: 2 Timothy 1:7 (see verse below).

This was my go to verse in high school. I had terrible anxiety. I was in speech class, and I acted in several plays. I LOVED it, but I always got so anxious before a speech or performance. Sometimes I would just whisper to myself, “God has not given me the spirit of fear.” Isn’t that so comforting? I even said that verse on my way to be induced with my son at the hospital, and I’m sure I will say it again in November with baby #2. The verse just brings me so much peace.

We can live knowing that we do not have to fear! We can have power, love and a SOUND MIND! Doesn’t that sound incredible?! I’m a world where control seems to be taken from beneath us, we can control one thing, our own selves! Please try not to let this world discourage you too much. Please hold on to hope!

I hope this blog post helped at least one person. Please do not be the person to make people completely want to log out of Facebook forever with negative vibes and posts. Spread positivity and love! There is still too much beauty in the world to be focused on the negative side of things. I encourage you to find something that inspires or comforts you and hold it close to your heart. I will talk will you all soon, but until then, be safe and know that we are blessed. ❤️

Also check out my new podcast Mama Katie Speaks where I post new episodes every Monday and Thursday at 10:00am! 💙

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