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How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Have you ever spent hours staring at a blank sheet of paper or screen hoping that the words will come, but they never do? I have found myself in this predicament hundreds of times, and it is so frustrating, but in this blog post, I want to share my favorite ways to get out of that rut! Without further ado, here are ten ways to overcome writer’s block!


Sometimes instead of overthinking, it is best refresh the mind by not thinking at all. Taking a second to empty your mind and just breathe may be exactly what you need to jumpstart your brain. Meditation is like self-care for your mind! If you do not know where to start, YouTube has some great guided meditations.

Journal Your Thoughts

Take a second to write for yourself. Ditch your research paper, blog, or book for just a second and write down your feelings in a journal. Just writing your feelings or random thoughts could potentially got those creative juices flowing once again!

Give Yourself a Break From Writing

I know this is the complete opposite of what you are trying to do, but giving yourself a break from writing can definitely help. I took a break from blogging for about 3 months last year and I came back feeling more inspired than ever!

Read Inspirational Books or Articles

Reading inspirational content from other writers may inspire you to work through your writers block, but just make sure that you do not accidentally copywrite anyone else’s work. Just read things that will help you get motivated to keep pushing forward.

Feel Inspiration Through Music

This is my favorite thing to do whenever I am stumped. I like to close my eyes and listen to music that makes me happy. I sometimes even listen to music that makes me emotional. Just feeling those emotions might get you fired up and ready to write.

Remind Yourself Why You Started Writing

This is a big thing! You will definitely lose motivation if you lose sight of why you started writing in the first place. Just remind yourself what drove you to write in the first place. My reason for creating my blog and podcast was to inspire and help other moms dealing with the everyday struggles of motherhood. I want to show other mothers that they are not alone.

Re-read Your Old Works

When I cannot think of anything to write, I often look back at my old blog posts to help me think of ideas. I think of what my content and niche is all about, and it helps me spark new ideas! I know that does not sound like it would work, but this is what gets me out of a funk at times.


Believe it or not, moving your body is good for your mind! Exercising helps you by releasing endorphins that help you feel happy, gives you mental clarity, and all around can give you a little boost in the right direction!

Take a Day Trip

Whether you are going for a hike by a lake or walking on the beach, getting away from the normal everyday life can be so good for your mind! Your journey could also spark some new ideas along the way!

Believe in Yourself

Give yourself a little pep talk! You are awesome, smart, and creative! You have so much potential. If you believe in yourself, the words will come. You’ve got this! Just keep pushing and moving forward.

I hope this blog post can help someone! If you enjoyed it, please stay tuned for more content coming soon. Also you can follow me on Facebook here for more updates!

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