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Ten Ways to Kick the Social-Distancing Blues!

I’m going to start this blog by saying that 2020 has not been the best year for anyone. With all of the quarantining, social distancing, riots, and other things going on, sometimes it is hard to feel positive in this world we are living in. Today I want to tell you some great ways to turn your frown upside down during this trying time!

1. Start every day with positive thoughts. It is so important to think and speak positive things. It will help you and anyone around you have a better mood! Some mornings I just think to myself, “Today is going to be a good day.” It gets me ready to start my day right!

2. Watch your favorite movie or show! Watching a movie/show that makes you laugh is a great pick me up if you are feeling down!

3. Call a close friend or relative. In times like these, it is a good idea to call the people you care about. I know that whenever I’m feeling down, calling my mom, sister or best friend always helps!

4. Take a break from social media. This one is really helpful, I promise! Sometimes all I see on my newsfeeds are posts that are either political or about the Pandemic. Give it a rest.

5. Take this time to start a new hobby! I love knitting and reading. Find something you really enjoy that can be productive and go for it! When my mother-in-law was out of work due to COVID, she planted flowers all around her house, and now it looks so gorgeous! Everyone has their own favorite hobbies, and right now is a great time to find a fun hobby to try!

6. Listen to music and dance/exercise! My favorite thing to do with my toddler is dance and sing! It keeps us moving, and we end up laughing too! Music is like medicine for your soul.

7. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea! I love spoiling myself to a cup of coffee when I feel down. It is a nice pick me up. If you do not like coffee, tea and Dr Pepper are my other favorites!

8. Have a game night with your household! My husband and I like to play card together when we get a chance! He also plays Fortnite with his brothers to keep in touch! If you live alone, playing games online with family and friends is a nice alternative.

9. Write in a journal. Right now is a great time to document how you feel and what is going on in the world. One day you might want to go back and read how you were feeling during these crazy times. I think about my children or future grandchildren when I write. They will be able to read about these things and learn from my first hand experiences. I’d love to pass down my journals to them.

10. Lastly, watch less of the news. I understand that keeping up with the latest precautions and updates is important, but it gets very burdensome, and watching the news constantly can bring on anxiety as well. I have limited how much news I watch because of that. It will not help me to know how many cases are in my area. I am taking precautionary measures, and I will continue to do so no matter what. So knowing the statistics will not benefit me.

I hope these thing will help you kick the social distancing blues! I hope all of you stay safe and healthy. Stay tuned for more blogs coming soon! ❤️

A pin for later! ❤️

3 replies on “Ten Ways to Kick the Social-Distancing Blues!”

Taking a break from social media is huge for me right now! Every time I get on, it gets depressing to see so many sad news in our world. So when I am not blogging, I try to stay off of social media. Thanks for sharing – Josie xxx

Liked by 1 person

I try to steer clear of social media too! All of the news can really get to you if you let it.


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